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Painting with Mom Classes in Malibu and Seal Beach Are Cancelled Until Further Notice.
Join us For Our Virtual Classes Instead!
Arts That Go Beyond

Our approach to Painting with Mom is rooted in the strong belief in community and family. Join our senior family events in Seal Beach and Malibu, California. We understand that, as senior in-home care providers, that arts have therapeutic benefits we can all enjoy.
Research has proven that arts have the power to:
- Reduce depression & stress
- Increase cognitive thinking
- Support mental plasticity
- Support motor – mind health
- Provide physical comfort
The physical, mental and emotional benefits of the arts unites with our commitment to the community, allowing everyone to enjoy the positive benefits of painting together.
We use Painting with Mom for seniors (age 55+) so they can have a space to enjoy with their family while focusing on senior family events in Seal Beach and Malibu.
What You Can Expect
Enjoy a family friendly environment and connect with the community. At Painting with Mom, we focus on the visual arts, where everyone is guided to create specific paintings.
You don’t have to have experience to join this group. Simply come and enjoy the time you have with your family as one of the most popular senior family events in Seal Beach and Malibu, California.
You paint the items with your parents, children and with the community. Combine that with our social integration processes to enjoy even more of the event.
Now located as senior family events in Seal Beach and Malibu, California.