Join us for another virtual Painting with Mom Class!

If you missed us on August 28th, 2020, then catch up with our available video.

Carla Bates is the featured teacher and is the Malibu artist in residence. She joins us to guide in creating the perfect rendition of these highlighted flowers while allowing everyone to enjoy a different perspective of scenery for our SoCal senior art classes.

Our Painting with Mom classes are complementary to the Orange County community and are designed to provide support to seniors and their families. They are an essential part of the mission and vision of BlueSea Care and our Art to Wellness® program for seniors and their families, inclusive of our SoCal senior art classes. Painting with Mom is designed to:

1. Reducing senior isolation. Whether we are virtual or painting in Seal Beach or Malibu, we believe that it is essential to reduce senior isolation. This supports wellness from an emotional and mental state and many different forms of research state that it is essential to physical health.

2. Increasing cognitive functions. The arts are able to increase cognitive functions for those who are aging. Seniors who are facing the early onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s, for instance, can use painting, dance, or music therapies as a way to stimulate brain activities and connect with healthy brain exercises.

Learn more about cognitive functions and the arts from our interview with Dr. Johnson, a cognitive neuroscientist. Click here to learn more.

3. Assisting with well-being. Physical activities, mental stimulation, connecting with the community, and assisting with cognitive functioning are some of the many therapeutic benefits of the arts. All classes are designed to provide support to seniors and their families by bringing each other together for healthy and purposeful needs.

Click here to join our next virtual class.