While the internet opens many doors for seniors, it also makes them more vulnerable to scammers, hackers, and others who aim to take advantage of their technological learning curves. As the child of an aging parent, you need to help senior citizens by empowering them with the safety tools they need to enjoy this medium with minimal risks.

What Online Tools are Popular with Seniors?

From communication tools like Skype and email to genealogy websites, the internet offers a wealth of utilities to help senior citizens remain mentally engaged and in-touch. Additionally, online banking tools, automatic bill pay, and digital health records help them maintain their routines and financial solvency. A computer or tablet may enhance your parent’s everyday life as long as you stay vigilant about online safety.

What Are the Biggest Areas of Risk for Seniors?

If your parent has a computer, here are the key areas of concern:

• Viruses and Malware. As you do with your own computer, ensure that your loved one maintains good, up-to-date antivirus and firewall software. Some seniors may not know that they need to run regular scans or update their software.

• Phishing emails. Scammers take great effort in making their emails look official and urgent. Help senior citizens understand who will or will not contact them via email, and to never click on links in unsolicited emails. Also, reinforce that no personal information should be sent via email, and if they need to talk/share information, they should do so directly with the related agencies or institutions.

• Fraud. Shopping online carries some risk, and even paying bills may expose information to hackers. Make sure your parent monitors their credit and bank accounts regularly so that they catch any potential theft quickly.
• Hacking. Reinforce password safety so that you reduce the risk of compromised accounts.

• Overconfidence. Many of today’s seniors have plenty of computer experience from their professions, and truly embrace a tech-savvy lifestyle. However, technology changes faster each year, and your parent may not be as up-to-date on equipment or risks as he or she believes.

BlueSea Care knows that you are your parent’s best defense against internet dangers. By exercising a few simple precautions, and staying aware of his or her technology comfort zone, you will help your loved one get the most out these tools for years to come.