Senior depression—an often overlooked issue that affects millions of Americans. Despite dramatic advances in mental health diagnosis and treatment, depression remains a pressing issue that affects people at every age and socioeconomic level. What makes senior depression so unique is that it often disguises itself in many forms. If you help care for an aging parent or relative, you need to know the signs and symptoms of senior depression so that you can catch this issue at its onset and seek immediate treatment.

How Do I Know If My Parent or Loved One Is Depressed?

Children and relatives of seniors often miss depression warning signs because they attribute them to supposed “natural changes” that come with aging. We all carry stereotypes about seniors, however unintentional. We sometimes see them as difficult, withdrawn, contrary, or “set in their ways.” In reality, all of these qualities should trigger alarm bells for us, especially if these behaviors seem historically out of character.

While only your loved one’s doctor is qualified to diagnose, treat, and otherwise assess medical conditions, the following signs may be worth mentioning at his or her next appointment:

• Social withdrawal, especially from situations previously enjoyed by your loved one, like church, social groups, etc.
• Abandonment of hobbies or activities that were previously sources of engagement. While interests wax and wane, a sudden pull-back from hobbies should raise warning flags.
• Fatigue–an especially insidious warning sign that we too quickly chalk it up to aging.
• Weight loss or loss of appetite. Again, we often attribute changes in appetite as a product of aging, but they may in fact be symptoms of a larger problem.
• Insomnia. This common ailment often acts as the most missed warning sign, and may be the subtle cue that more is going on with your loved one.
• Personal neglect. This symptom may manifests itself in many forms, such as lack of personal hygiene, skipping medications, poor nutrition, or sudden disinterest in environmental surroundings.

BlueSea Care, home care Seal Beach, is passionate about helping seniors live each and every day to the fullest. Again, only a qualified medical professional can give you insight in regards to your loved one’s health and well-being. However, we always encourage vigilance, education, and thoughtful compassion for each and every caregiver of a senior adult. Together, we can protect our loved ones and promote optimum health both in the body and the mind.